B’NAI B’RITH Lodge #1515
Welcome to B’NAI B’RITH Lakeland Lodge #1515.
Effective March 20, 2022, Lakeland Lodge will be using the facilities of Temple Beth Shalom in Winter Haven.
They meet on the third Sunday of the month September to June.
Come for Bagels & Lox Breakfast Meeting at 10:00am. $10.00
Contact Robert Baum: rbaum428@gmail.com
May 10, 2022 by urjtbs • Men's Club, Sisterhood, Social
President: Bobby Baum
Vice President: Beverly Lerner
Treasurer: Joseph Rodriguez
Secretary: Joseph Rodriguez
We meet for breakfast meeting the first Sunday of the month at Angie’s Kitchen at the Hamptons in Auburndale on Hwy 92. Come join us.
Due are $25.00 payable to ‘Temple Beth Shalom Brotherhood’ in May.