Invitation from Temple Emanuel: Looking through the Camera Lens with a Wildlife Photographer — Feb 25, 7 pm
Temple Emanuel writes:
We would like to invite your members and friends to join us for this exciting wildlife and nature program.
We will be holding an exciting program coming up on Sunday, 2/25 at 7pm to approx. 8:30 pm in the Temple Emanuel Social Hall (see attached flyer). Please join us as we enjoy a beautiful wildlife and nature presentation by our very own friend and book club member, Amy-Jo, and her husband, Steve Silverman!!!
We will have light refreshments that you can enjoy during the slides. There is no charge for the program.
Following the presentation, there will be time for questions and to purchase Amy’s note cards that reflect the wildlife and nature on her slides.
The cost of the note cards will be $4 each or 3 cards for $10, with Amy generously donating all proceeds to the Temple!
Enlargements of her photos will also be offered.
Please RSVP to the Temple office (863-682-8616) no later than 2/21 so we can set up appropriately!
Allen Shane
Past President
Temple Emanuel
Cell: (863) 604-0767
Saturday AM, Member-Led Shabbat Service — Feb 24, 10:30 am
February 20, 2024 by urjtbs • Community, Services
Affiliated with the Union of Reform Jewish Congregations
Lay Services
You asked for daytime services, we responded:
February has an expanded in-person worship opportunity.
A morning lay-led Sabbath service is now scheduled for:
Saturday, February 24th at 10:30 AM.
It will be led by our own Vice President, Bert Devorsetz.
There will not be any oneg, but we plan on having a ‘brown bag’ lunch following the service.
Hopefully many will take advantage and attend.
No Zoom access as this service is in-person only.