October 2023 Chai Lites
Happy Fall, Temple Beth Shalom Members and Friends! The October 2023 Chai Lites issue is here and attached for you. There are plenty of activities announced there for you to join, and many events in the works. Stay tuned to join us in the newly-decorated Sukkah this Friday, weather permitting, for a Sukkot ceremony at the end of our Shabbat service. If you are joining on Zoom, we will bring you out with us! Many thanks to our Board, Brotherhood/Sisterhood, and other contributors to the Chai Lites; and special thanks to our President and Editor, Lorraine Mixter, doing it all the way from Canada while making it feel so much at home. 🙂
ChaiLites Oct2023
Temple Emanuel Hosts Stand with Israel Rally, today at 5:30 pm
October 11, 2023 by urjtbs • Community