Community Passover Seder April 23, 6 pm
Passover Seder
Our Seder this year will be catered by:
The Catering Company of Central Florida.
Gefilte Fish
Chopped Liver
Matza Ball Soup
Brisket or Chicken
April 23rd at 6:00 pm
$50 for members
$60 for non-members
Children 13 & under $20, & 5 years & under, Free.
Your check must be received by April 16th, please mark whether you want Brisket or Chicken.
R.S.V.P. by April 16th to:
Or text or call: 863-409-8509
Temple Beth Shalom
1029 Bradbury Road, Winter Haven Florida
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 313, Winter Haven Florida 33882-0313
Phone: 863-292-0722 (messages only)
Annual Meeting — Sun Apr 21, 2:00 pm
Dear Temple Beth Shalom Congregants:
The Temple Beth Shalom President, Board Officers, and Board Trustees are pleased to welcome you into another year with our congregation, and invite you to participate in our Annual Meeting and installation of our 2024-2025 Board.
Please join us at the synagogue for the meeting and refreshments on Sunday, April 21 at 2:00 pm to hear annual reports from our 2023-2024 President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Committee Chairs. At this Annual Meeting we will review the year’s activities and announce the 2024-2025 Board Trustees and Officers.
Many thanks to outgoing Board Trustee, Judy Richter. This was not your first term with the Board and we appreciate your steadiness, good humor, and ideas.
Welcome to the Board, Uriah Rose! We are so glad for all the experience and professionalism you are bringing to Temple Beth Shalom and our Board.
We are blessed with a highly dedicated group of continuing Board Officers and Trustees. We are grateful for their numerous contributions to our synagogue and social activities.
Please see and review the attached Annual Meeting Minutes from 2023.
Also find below a list of the 2024–2025 Temple Beth Shalom Congregation Officers and Trustees.
Thank you for choosing to be a member of Temple Beth Shalom, and we look forward to the coming year’s journey with you.
With Warmest Regards,
Temple Beth Shalom Executive Board
2024-2025 Board Officers and Trustees
President: Lorraine Mixter
Vice President: Bert Devorsetz
Secretary: Margo Fleisher
Treasurer: Michael Craig
Past President: Joseph Rodriguez
Meryl Crews
Arlene Greenberg
Sandi Grinker
Beverly Lerner
Lee Ann Martinez
Uriah Rose
Dinner with the Rabbi March 22nd at Arabella’s
Dinner with the Rabbi
Enjoy a meal with Rabbi Herzfeld, take the opportunity to chat with the Host and the Rabbi
March 22nd at 5:30 pm
Seating limited, see how to RSVP below.
Host: Jan and Polly Weinmann
Arabellas Ristorante
346 W Central Ave, Winter Haven, FL 33880
R.S.V.P. by March 20th to:
Or text or call: 863-409-8509
Jan and Polly and the Rabbi look forward to dining with you.
Host Dinner with the Rabbi
Dinner with the Rabbi is Back
Be the Host and enjoy a meal with Rabbi Herzfeld.
You choose the restaurant (from the many options in Winter Haven, or your home)
March 22nd and May 17th
Restaurant of your choosing
The Rabbi is looking forward to dining with you and getting to know you better.
Sign up to host the Rabbi by contacting
Lorraine Mixter at:
or 863-409-8509
March 2024 Chai Lites
Hello Temple Beth Shalom Members and Friends, thanks to all of your hard work our March 2024 issue of the Chai Lites is here for your information and enjoyment. Many thanks to all who contributed, especially President and Editor, Lorraine Mixter. See you tonight ON ZOOM!
Shabbat March 1-2
Hello Temple Beth Shalom Members and Friends, a new month and a new season is approaching, as is an opportunity for us to join together in the warmth of our congregation! In-person Shabbat Services are again this Friday, March 1 at 7:30 at both our physical and virtual synagogues. Please join us to see and hear Rabbi Herzfeld, and also to see and hear our cantorial soloist, Meryl Crews. Torah Study meets the next morning on Saturday, March 2 at 9:30 am on Zoom.
April 2024 Chai Lites
April 2, 2024 by urjtbs • Community
Hello Temple Beth Shalom Members and Friends, thanks to the diligence and creativity of our many contributors, and the devotion of our President and Editor, the April 2024 Chai Lites are here for your edification and enjoyment! We are looking forward to seeing you this month at these events.
2024AprChai Lites