Baruch Dayan haEmet: Adrianne Sundheim
And the adults gasped
Not knowing what to say
Certainly not in the earth
Buried, covered over with soil and small rocks
Certainly not in the heavens
Distant, far off, a fantasy of the imagination.
Much closer than earth, much closer than heaven
Grandma, dear child, is within us all.
In our memories of her kindness and goodness
Memories that are not faint echoes but resonate in us each day
Grandma is in our tenderness with each other, in our loyalty to family
For friends, in our love of our people.
Nothing noble dies with death.
Warm embraces, wise counsel do not
Evaporate into the air.
Grandma is not “where” but “when”
Whenever we gather together to celebrate festivals
Whenever we offer help to the poor, the homeless, the sick
Whenever we defend the innocent
Raise our voice against injustice
Grandma’s influence is present.
Grandma stood for ideas and ideals
Grandma stood for care and concern and comfort of the other. What she stood for we now stand for.
Even as we rise for the Kaddish
In her memory,
In her honor
For her immortality.
March Chai Lites
March 1, 2025 by urjtbs • Community, Social
Shabbat Shalom Temple Beth Shalom Members and Friends! We are grateful once again for our President and Editor, Lorraine Mixter, and all of our content contributors for preparing our lovely newsletter and keeping us informed about the events in our community. Here is the March Chai Lites with up-to-date information about the upcoming Spring holidays and festivals, and our activities.