✡Rabbi Lead Services Schedule
Rabbi Herzfeld will be conducting Shabbat Evening Services on Fridays at 7:30pm on the following dates:
You can come in person or join us on ZOOM.
ZOOM Access – ID:879 7821 2759 Passcode:625394
March 4th
March 18th Purim Celebration
April 1st
April 15th & 16th Pesach
April 29th
May 13th
June 3rd
TORAH STUDY with Rabbi Herzfeld @ 9:30am Saturdays
March 5th
March 19th
April 2nd
April 30th
May 14th
June 4th
B’NAI B’RITH Lodge #1515
May 4, 2022 by urjtbs • Culture, Our Sanctuary, Social
Welcome to B’NAI B’RITH Lakeland Lodge #1515.
Effective March 20, 2022, Lakeland Lodge will be using the facilities of Temple Beth Shalom in Winter Haven.
They meet on the third Sunday of the month September to June.
Come for Bagels & Lox Breakfast Meeting at 10:00am. $10.00
Contact Robert Baum: rbaum428@gmail.com