Brotherhood/Sisterhood Dinner at Charm City, Dec 16

Hello Temple Beth Shalom Congregation, see again this opportunity to view an exhibit of the art of Samuel Bak on Sunday, December 10 at 1:00 pm (CORRECTION: not 3 pm as shown in the Chai Lites)
Temple Beth Shalom Brotherhood/Sisterhood
“Remembering Vilna: The Holocaust and the Art of Samuel Bak”
Polk Museum of Art at Florida Southern College
800 East Palmetto Street
Lakeland, Florida 33801-5529
The Museum is located in Downtown Lakeland just two blocks north of the Florida Southern College campus across from the Lakeland Public Library on Lake Morton.
Limited spots are available for this session.
Please RSVP to: Bobby Baum at:
Parking is FREE!
No payment is necessary, but donations are accepted by the museum.
Hello Temple Beth Shalom Members and Friends, the December 2023 Chai Lites are here for your reading pleasure and edification! Many thanks to our monthly columnists and our other faithful content contributors, especially to our President and Editor, Lorraine Mixter.
Get Ready To Light The Candles!
Hanukah Celebration
Learn about Jewish resistance and survival.
Gather at the table with friends, songs and lots of food to eat.
Bring your menorah for the candle lighting. We will provide the candles.
Dinner is followed by a short service.
Friday evening, December 8th at 6:00 pm
Dinner will be catered by Publix
Chicken Tenders, Deli Trays, Salads, Potato Latkes and Dessert.
Members $18.00. Non-Members and Guests $20.00.
No cost for children ten and under.
Please RSVP no later than December 6th.
Your check is your reservation. Send your check to Temple Beth Shalom
P.O. Box 313, Winter Haven, FL 33882
For more information: lorrainemixter@
Ride Share
Can’t drive at night?
You can still attend services or
help someone who cannot drive.
What is Ride Sharing?
It is an arrangement in which drivers
who wish to offer rides and passengers
who wish to obtain rides contact a
central person who coordinates the
sharing of individual automobile trips to
religious services for the passengers.
Bert Devorsetz has agreed to coordinate this
Please RSVP to Bert if you are interested in participating:
727-914-8329 Home or Cell 863 397 6967
Hello Temple Beth Shalom Members and Friends, our President and Editor, Lorraine Mixter, and her many columnists and contributors worked hard on your November issue of the Chai Lites. See inside all of the activities in development and the ways you can get involved in your synagogue and in your Jewish community.
ChaiLiteNov2023Happy Fall, Temple Beth Shalom Members and Friends! The October 2023 Chai Lites issue is here and attached for you. There are plenty of activities announced there for you to join, and many events in the works. Stay tuned to join us in the newly-decorated Sukkah this Friday, weather permitting, for a Sukkot ceremony at the end of our Shabbat service. If you are joining on Zoom, we will bring you out with us! Many thanks to our Board, Brotherhood/Sisterhood, and other contributors to the Chai Lites; and special thanks to our President and Editor, Lorraine Mixter, doing it all the way from Canada while making it feel so much at home. 🙂
ChaiLites Oct2023
Baruch Dayan Ha’emet: Philip Grinker
December 29, 2023 by urjtbs • Community
Dear Temple Beth Shalom Congregation, we received the sad news this morning that our friend Philip Grinker passed last night. Our hearts are with Sandi, Rick, Debbie, and their extended family as they prepare to lay Phil to rest. As many of you know, Phil had a long illness and he expressed gratitude daily for the time he had to continue serving his synagogue and the community. Phil was a mensch, warm and kind, a model of what it is to do tikkun olam; and we are grateful for the time he gave to us as well.