Shabbat Service/Purim Celebration — Fri Mar 14, 7:30 pm

Dear Temple Beth Shalom Members and Friends, we invite you to celebrate another Purim holiday as well as Shabbat with us this Friday, March 14 at 7:30 pm.  The evening will begin with a traditional, brief Shabbat service officiated by our mild-mannered and dignified Rabbi Herzfeld.  

As is Rabbi Herzfeld’s tradition at Purim, after the service he will excuse himself to give the bimah to his exclusively selected guest to lead us in reading Megillat Esther.  It is once again a mystery as to who he has invited this time, but they are sure to be colorful and energetic, and we are counting on you to welcome them.  
Zoom will not be available for this service, but it has to be experienced in person!  We need you there to make some noise, preferably in costume!  Children are especially welcome.  Expect to enjoy some fun and hamantaschen.