Lakeridge Winery Outing — Sun Mar 23

Brotherhood/Sisterhood Outing

Join us. Temple Beth Shalom Brotherhood/Sisterhood March 23rd, 2025

Lakeridge Winery

Carpools leave from Temple Beth Shalom @ 11:00 am.

Carpooling suggested as parking is limited.

Live Entertainment, Food Court & Wine Bar

Dennie and the Jets are the entertainment on Sunday.

No need to eat before you come to enjoy the afternoon, simple food options are available to purchase, however, no outside food is allowed.

At the outdoor wine bar the full line of Lakeridge wines is offered, imported and domestic beers, and when available seasonal drinks like mulled wine, wine slushies, and sangria.

Enjoy a complimentary winery tour and wine tasting, where you can taste a selection of wines.

ID Requirements for Tastings

US citizens: state issued drivers license, military ID, or state ID card.

No outside food, beverages or coolers allowed. 

Be sure to bring your lawn chairs! Seating is limited if you plan to sit and eat and drink.

Wine prices are by the glass, starting at $6 a glass (soda & water are available).

For more information, please contact Beverly Lerner: 863-294-6042 (home)