Pizza and Member-Led Shabbat Service — Fri Aug 23 — PLEASE RSVP

Hello Temple Beth Shalom Members and Friends, we are in for a treat this Friday as Bert Devorsetz returns to lead a Classic Reform Shabbat Service, and he is arranging for pizza at 6:15 for those whom RSVP and would join for dinner.  Please respond to Bert at the phone number or email address below to let him know you are coming this Friday.  We sure would like to see you there.

Lay Service

Friday, Aug 23 at 7pm

Bert Devorsetz will be leading a Classic Reform service.

In addition to being a real Reform service, we will feature some special country western music.

Pizza will be served at 6:15pm. Please RSVP so I can plan accordingly. or 863-397-6967

Looking forward to seeing you there for a fun service!